I was interested in libreoffice online and so I got the code from GitHub - LibreOffice/online: Read-only Mirror - no pull request (use https://gerrit.libreoffice.org instead) (tried diffrent releases).
I followed the instructions in the README file and got it all compiled.
Then i started loolwsd by make run successfully and i tried the example link [ https://localhost:9980/loleaflet/2.0.0/loleaflet.html?file_path=file:///home/michael/online-libreoffice-5-2/loolwsd/test/data/hello-world.odt ] presented by make run. Of course i also tried to use loleaflet.html as proposed in the README file.
loleaflet just shows the loading symbol and after a time a message “We are sorry, this is an unexpected connection error. Please try again.” is shown.
In the loolwsd logs the following red messages are shown:
wsd-17381-07 00:00:14.615190 [ client_ws_0001 ] getNewChild: No available child. Sending spawn request to forkit and failing.
wsd-17381-07 00:00:18.615347 [ client_ws_0001 ] getNewChild: No available child. Sending spawn request to forkit and failing.
wsd-17381-07 00:00:22.615543 [ client_ws_0001 ] getNewChild: No available child. Sending spawn request to forkit and failing.
wsd-17381-07 00:00:26.615737 [ client_ws_0001 ] Failed to get new child. Service Unavailable.
wsd-17381-07 00:00:26.615795 [ client_ws_0001 ] ClientRequestHandler::handleRequest: WebSocketErrorMessageException: Service is unavailable. Please try again later and report to your administrator if the issue persists.
I didn’t figure out exactly what the problem is but I now that the Messages come from LOOLWSD.cpp.
Maybe the problem has to do with the following exception appearing a lot in the loolwsd log:
Bootstrapping exception 'set member node private:resource/popupmenu/3dobject references undefined template org.openoffice.Office.UI.WindowState:WindowStateType in file:///home/michael/lo/instdir/program/../share/registry/impress.xcd'
I hope somebody can help me, I really would like to use libreoffice online because it’s pretty cool.
If you can help and don’t mind, it would be nice explaining the problem to me.
PS: English is not my mother tongue, please excuse possibly bad use of language.