LibreOffice Preview Settings Using Recoll Documents Indexer

I am using LibreOffice in conjunction with recoll on macOS Sequoia version 15.2. Recoll indexes a variety of documents. I have configured it to use LibreOffice and to include indexing Apple docs Pages, Numbers and Keynote. The indexing works well, largely thanks to LIbreOffice’s handling of Apple docs.

However, the results of a search for Apple mime types using LibreOffice Preview, specifically soffice, does not display them in HTML, so I have to select displaying them in plain text, which is difficult to read. Is there a setting or a way in LibreOffice or soffice to display Apple docs in HTML? The problems occurs for especially long Pages documents. In some cases with smaller documents, the Preview window is too dark to read. In those case I still have to select Preview to display the results in plain text.