LibreOffice says my documents have crashed every time opened.

LibreOffice says my documents have crashed every time I try to create a new file or open up an existing one. Any of the options work. I even re installed LO from dedicated LO repository instead of Ubuntu 19.10. but problem remain. I can’t use snap Libreoffice as it will not support voikko. Same difficulty with dep package installation (too difficult to me to get voikko working). Amiword has also a show-stoppin bug in my environment so google docs is only way forward for me now.

What troubles me is that can’t find confirmation about the bug and I don’t know when it will be fixed. Obviously, it will at some point, but situation suggest I need to look for some other more reliable solution for my needs.

I installed in once again and restarted in safemode. Removed all extensions and restarted. It worked. Once I installed libreoffice-voikko, I am getting the same problem back. So this is really bad situation as if this is only problem for Finnish language Voikko - I guess there is no hope for quick resolution.

“LibreOffice says my documents have crashed”

What, exactly, is the error message that you receive?