LibreOffice support Kiosk mode on Windows 11

We have deployed Libra office as win32 app on Windows 11 using Intune. we are trying to deploy Kiosk mode for Libra Office , so that users can access Libra office and nothing else on device. But Kiosk profile is getting failed.

Does Libra office support Windows Kiosk mode ?

What does it mean? Any error messages? And what specifically you configure? Shell Launcher kiosk type? On Windows Enterprise? Because LibreOffice is a native application (not UWP). Then, what specifically you configure?

Btw, the name is LibreOffice.

Start libreoffice using a docker container on your server using GitHub - linuxserver/docker-libreoffice and then access it from any browser using kiosk mode.

Is that even a useful question? If I’m allowed only an application with several programming languages and the internal ability to run any shell-command by macro what do you expect from Kiosk-Mode?

It is. The OS may itself limit launching more apps by the allowed app. And the kiosk mode may also use some special configuration of the program, like disabling macros, or even an upcoming Viewer mode.