pivot tables formulas for quotients incorrect. In my budget spreadsheet I have debit and credit columns. I want percentage of credit ot debits but it only gives me percetannge of debits. So outside of the pivot table column D I use the 7 costs (food,rent, personal care, ect…) for my January 2023 pivot table I use formula
(-B6/C13) and although it is a wrong equation it works.Mathematicaly it should be
(-B6*100)/C13. When I try to do my February 2023 pivot table; it is even worse,
all I get is an error #DIV/O!.
From your example one can only say that then C13 is 0 or empty.
Provide a sample .ods document attached to your question, edit your question by clicking on the three dots and then pencil and use the Upload icon.
Dear Mr. Eike Rathke:
I want to thank you for helping me. I sent you four (4) photos attachments on March 10, 2023 (16:08h) as you requested. Have you received them? Awaiting your kind solution and guidance.
Thanking you again in advance,
The attachment I sent was the sample ods requested. It shows the formula I used and the result. Any solution in the horizon that can be kindly anticipated?
It is not an .ods spreadsheet document. It is a screenshot that doesn’t tell anything about the problem. And no, I didn’t request any photos.
Please identify and well define for me what is an "ods"document so I may comply and explicitly how you wish to receive it if it is not a screenshot. i.e., print it out and mail it to you, scan it? I am sorry for this lack of communication and understanding as I am new to spreadsheets and weak on acronyms in my steep learning curve