LibreOffice won't respond to keypad changes in xkb file.

First of all, I am using Debian 7 (Wheezy) with KDE.

I’ve done some customizing with my keyboard layout. First, I dumped Qwerty for Dvorak. Then, after learning about international layouts and such, I decided to do some customizing.
I thought it would be cool to have more levels of functionality in the keypad/numberpad. I added my own layout to the xkb file (and added it where needed elsewhere) so that through the use of AltGr and Shift, I can get superscript and subscript numbers.
Just to show that it does indeed work:
(You probably need a Unicode font so they won’t show up as little boxes, but you probably already know that)
When I try to use them in LibreOffice, the AltGr key is read as another Shift key. Can anybody help me fix this, or explain what is going on?

    key <KP7>  { [     KP_Home,            KP_7,                U2077,                U2087 ] }; //Home  7 ⁷ ₇
key <KP8>  { [       KP_Up,            KP_8,                U2078,                U2088 ] }; //Up    8 ⁸ ₈ 
key <KP9>  { [    KP_Prior,            KP_9,                U2079,                U2089 ] }; //Prior 9 ⁹ ₉

key <KP4>  { [     KP_Left,            KP_4,                U2074,                U2084 ] }; //Left  4 ⁴ ₄
key <KP5>  { [    KP_Begin,            KP_5,                U2075,                U2085 ] }; //Begin 5 ⁵ ₅
key <KP6>  { [    KP_Right,            KP_6,                U2076,                U2086 ] }; //Right 6 ⁶ ₆

key <KP1>  { [      KP_End,            KP_1,                U00B9,                U2081 ] }; //End   1 ¹ ₁
key <KP2>  { [     KP_Down,            KP_2,                U00B2,                U2082 ] }; //Down  2 ² ₂
key <KP3>  { [     KP_Next,            KP_3,                U00B3,                U2083 ] }; //Next  3 ³ ₃

key <KP0>  { [   KP_Insert,            KP_0,                U2070,                U2080 ] }; //Ins   0 ⁰ ₀
key <KPDL> { [   KP_Delete,      KP_Decimal,                U2264,                U2265 ] }; //Del   . ≤ ≥

key <KPEN> { [    KP_Enter,        KP_Enter,                U2260,                equal ] }; //Enter Enter = ≠