LibreOffice Writer - Auto numbering for inserted pdf images

Hello! I want to use LibreOffice Writer for creating a music score book, with multiple piano pieces. It seems that Writer has an option to insert images in pdf format. The pdf images are going to be the scores of each music piece. The title of each piece is going to be typed directly into Writer, and not included in the pdf file of the piece. The problem is that I want to use some kind of auto numbering of the pieces, placed left to the title of each piece, followed by a full-stop. Is this possible and how? And one more question: Is it possible to automatically create the table of contents and how? Thanks in advance!

You have several ways of achieving your goal.

It does not matter whether your images are PDF, JPEG, PNG or any other format. In Writer they end up in a rectangular object called a frame.

  • The title of each score is not part of the TOC

    Click on an image and Insert>Caption

    You can choose a prefix (*Category") such as “Score” before the auto-number. You add the title in *Caption". The Position parameter tells whether you want the caption before or after the image.

    At the end of your book, you can Insert>TOC & Index>TOC, Index or Bibiliography for Type Table of Figures and select Category for the prefix you used. You then have a list of your scores.

  • The titles make the TOC

    Before each image, type the title and Ctrl+1 or assign Heading 1 paragraph style.

    When done, enable auto-numbering in Tools>Chapter Numbering: in Numbering tab, set *Number* to 1, 2, 3, …` and Separator After to a dot.

    The TOC is added at end of book with Insert>TOC & Index>TOC, Index or Bibliography.

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