LibreOffice Writer seizes up over 550 kb .docx file

I’m using Fedora 41, About info below:

Version: (X86_64)
Build ID: 480(Build:2)
CPU threads: 4; OS: Linux 6.12; UI render: default; VCL: gtk3
Locale: en-US (en_US.UTF-8); UI: en-US
Calc: threaded

I have a 556.1 kB, ~260 page .docx file that has a table of contents and a zip with text-based files (think technical doc with examples) attached in the end. The file opens fine on Windows, both in LibreOffice and in Word, albeit it does take a couple of seconds to render the rest of the document once I scroll past 100-something pages.

Opening it in LibreOffice on Fedora immediately takes up all of my CPU


and the same happens if I try to recover it. I thought maybe there was insufficient RAM (maybe a gig is too little for a file that fits 1885 times in a gig), but no, with 4.5 gigs the same thing happens, it just takes slightly more time.

My question is: Why?

try to split your file to see if a specific part causes the problem.
try to save it as .odt