before you jump to any assumptions, the bug is WEIRD !!!
I’m using version below, and have no problems.
LibreOffice Writer Version: Build ID: 430m0(Build:2)
under DEBIAN/jessie
LibreOffice Writer = LOW
one file, when I open it, it takes approximately 2 minutes before I can use it. the computer seems locked up.
This file is approx 200KB. was created with LOW and was fine up until yesterday. it has a lot of URLs in it. it is always in the WEB LAYOUT view. I open the file and LOW becomes unresponsive.
I opened the file in abiword, no problem. I saved the file into pure text. then I opened it in gedit, and saved it again in text.
as text the file is only 37K. I opened it in LOW, it opened fast. I typed few characters, fine. I clicked on web layout view, and LOW became unresponsive. had to ‘kill’ it.
I repeat, it happens only with one file. all the other files that are much larger, have no problem.
I researched and did not find anything similar. I followed few recommendations for increasing memory usage, blablah.
nothing worked.