LibreOffice Writer : Why the insert record in Bibliography Database can't be clicked

I’m using LibreOffice, I’m following this tutorial to insert a record in Bibliography Database ( Creating a Bibliography - LibreOffice Help ). But somehow when i tried clicked the Tools-> Bibliography Database → insert → record, the record is can’t be clicked, it is look like this

is there any solution for it?. I’m already searching about this problem but there is no clue. I’m new to a linux specially for using LibreOffice, sorry for my bad english.

It’s working for me on 6.2.4. In fact, it’s quite strange that your DB is empty because by default it’s preloaded with several (outdated) entries. Check if you have a valid java runtime environment under Tools → Options → LibreOffice → Advanced.

I already checked the Tools → Options → LibreOffice → Advanced that you suggest, it is checked the only one radio button, with vendor “Oracle Corporation” and Version of 1.8.0_212, its pointing to (the location) /usr/lib/jvmjava-8-openjdk-amd64/jre.

it seems just fine, but i dont know how to check it is valid or not. FYI when i checked the /usr/lib/jvm/ , i have two folder of java, java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64 and java-8-openjdk-amd64.

If LibO accept it, it should be valid. By the address it seems you are on Linux (good!). Check with your package manager if all LibreOffice related packages are installed: for example, *ubuntu usually does not install all Base related packages and that breaks the bibliographic database.

i checked the synaptic package manager and installed bibus and bibus-doc-en since it says “bibliographic database” in the description, with the keyword “libreoffice database” in the search bar, as you can see i’m already installed the libreoffice-base , base-core and, base-drivers, but after opening the libreoffice and start using bibliograpy database, it still doesnt change anything…, the insert -. record still can’t be clicked.

See in Tools>Options, LibreOffice Base>DataBases rhe path for the Bibliography database. Then check file and directory permissions. Maybe write is not allowed.

@Ezrael Bibus is a different application. Check for a package called libreoffice-base or something similar.

i checked the synaptic package manager and installed bibus and bibus-doc-en since it says “bibliographic database” in the description, with the keyword “libreoffice database” in the search bar, as you can see i’m already installed the libreoffice-base , base-core and, base-drivers, but after opening the libreoffice and start using bibliograpy database, it still doesnt change anything…, the insert -. record still can’t be clicked.