LibreOfficeBASE - Contacts Database with relation Parents/Children and Contact/Mate

Dear all,

I’m struggling tu make a little database for my Coderdojo Club. In this club parents and childrens are arriving and I want to make a unique database of contact, but I want also connect the records of the database togheter with the relations Parent/Child, Contact/Mate etc…

At example I want to make the record for the belo6 6 contact, and after I want put togeter into the database.


If I do manaully compile the Table the database work, but if I want add some new record I don’t have any idea to use the Forms.

Example I need to add two new guest. One is “Debs” the wife or “Mark” and the other is “Britney” the daugter of “Debs and Mark”

Can you help me twiking the file attached?




Your use of the database is not proper. There should be separation to avoid duplication. Have attached your sample with some drastic differences.

First is tables. There are two - one for Family (surnames); one for family members (individuals in the family). The records in the second table link back to the first table via the FamilyID number. The new form is Family. The top portion is for Family records, and the linked sub form is for members within that family. When a Family record is displayed, if there are associated members they will automatically display in the sub form. You can add new families. You can also add, change, delete family members.

Additional tables are not used for MemberType or Sex (maybe not needed at all). These are simple lists and a list box using a Valuelist was chosen instead.

All this can be found in the LO Base documentation found here → LibreOffice Base Handbook.

Sample ---- ContactsBase.odb

Please keep in mind this is a quick sample which can be enhanced in many ways.


thank a lot for your advice.
In next hours I want to redo the exercice myself and after I’ll post my file.

