I am having a problem with the results after recording a macro to format some text in a certain way.
This is what the text looks like before applying the recorded macro.
I click ‘record macro’ then do a ‘search and replace’ for the space-space & space+space to replace them with just - & +.
Next I do a ‘search and replace’ for the TITLE1 & TITLE2 with nothing. Then I click in the first and second line and delete the paragraph.
After this I stop the recording of the macro, save it and bind it to shift+space.
When I press shift+space it runs the macro but doesn’t delete the paragraphs like I recorded.
This is what is looks like after the macro ran and this is what I want it to look like.
Can anybody please help me figure out what I am doing wrong? Or provide me with another solution for my problem.
On my old pc I had a macro that did exactly that but I forgot to import it before wiping it clean and selling it.