Linked file reference in OLE object will not update

I have a few slides in a Impress slideshow that reference a Calc spreadsheet by way of a match/index algorithm (used to auto-fill the title of a called out song number in a song book). Back when I originally created the file set on a much older version of Libreoffice all worked well. But recently (now on versions 24.2.2 and 24.2.5 at least), I needed to edit/add some song title/song numbers to the reference list and behold, the OLE object still is referencing what seems to be a cached copy of the spreadsheet from before I made the edits (new entries don’t exist, old entries return old data). I’ve tried manually updating the object by way of Edit → Links to External Files but that doesn’t help (even if I rename the Calc file and try to update to that)… and auto update is grayed out. If I delete the reference and manually re-enter the formula, I get a REF error.

Not sure if this is an Impress issue or a Calc issue.

like which ?

tried DDE ? Edit External Links

Sorry for the late reply. Life happened and this is on a system that I only use once a week (Church AV system)

I don’t know, as the issue didn’t become apparent until long-after I moved to the “Fresh” builds (before, I had whatever version Ninite installer installed when I set this computer up a year and a half ago).

Forgot to mention: this is on Windows 10.

If I’m reading right, that only works if I link a cell directly to the external file as a special paste… no good since auto-update only works on file opening, not in real-time.

The situation is that as part of the church service this is used with, the organist (and music director) calls out a hymn number during one of his two segments… but due to it being a “what’s on his mind” call or whatever, nobody knows in advance what the number is. So, within the amount of time it takes to enter a 1-3 digit number on a slide (and then shift+F5 to get it on screen ASAP), I also want/need to have the title of that song on the slide, which is where the external spreadsheet comes into play (it’s a lookup table of titles of every song in the hymn book).

As time has gone on, I’ve found several song titles that are wrong/needlessly-antiquated and one case where he changed a title and lyrics for a special occasion… hence the need to modify/add listings to the spreadsheet, and when the issue became apparent.

Tried DDE linking by pasting the entire hymn list as a link to a second sheet in the OLE spreadsheet… same thing, shows the old data (cached?), not the current data I was pasting. Broke the link and tried again, then I kept getting error 540. In options, libreoffice calc doesn’t show up within the OLE object, so I kinda suspect the link update setting that I can’t access is the issue.

In the mean time, I’ve worked around it by (somewhat kludgingly) copying the whole list to a second sheet (no link) and doing all of the match and indexes on that… no auto-update, but if it works, it works. :roll_eyes: