I have two spread sheets in Calc. SpreadSheet 1 has stock prices in a list. SpreadSheet 2 takes specific prices from SpreadSheet 1 and performs calculations. I have been using DDE up until now to achieve that but there is a major problem with editing the DDE links in Edit/Links…basically you cannot edit them…well you can…but the edit will not be saved…so you get one off shot…and you cannot even delete the links…this has been a long time bug. Other than DDE, how might I link discreet cells in SS1 with SS2 and in a manner that I can edit and delete the links in the future.
I have just noticed that Edit/Copy cell from SS1 and then Edit/Paste Special/Link no longer works in Calc 5.0 so the DDE link is not even generated. I must be doing something wrong?!