List box loses entries


I’m using LibreOffice on Windows 11.

I create a List Box and add list entries and it works great. I can close and open the Writer document and still works as intended.

Although, if I toggle Design Mode back on, it wipes the List Box entries and I have to add them back in again.

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong ?

Thank-you for your help !


Can you please explain how you enter the entries in the list box? Also, are you certain this is a list box and not a combo box?

Fruit_Listbox.odt (9.6 KB)

Thank-you for your reply !

Yes this is a list box. I double click the list box control, and this opens the list box properties window which contains a section for List entries. I click the Multiline Editing drop down arrow and then enter the list there.

In my continued efforts, I deleted the list box and created another one which, for some reason, is working properly. It doesn’t help me understand what went wrong, but it allows me to move past the problem.


Thank-you for your help