List choices as alias? and dependencies?

I’m working on a 3D scatter plot app in Python. I need to have drop down menus in a linked spreadsheet. The dropdown menu needs to populate the cell with letter/phrase that Python will recognize. Specifically marker types (< ^ > v x o , , + X D h p s) and colors (r g b k c m y tab:otange tab:purple and gold) 10 options each. I need a drop down menu to simply provide a simple description?)

these two choices are columns E & F

I input for both E & F IF required in there is an an entry in A AND B AND C

Can this be done?

Thank you!!

huh …
what does chatGPT say ? :innocent:

What do you need any spreadsheet for if you can program in Python?

I have decided to place a legend in the worksheet to explain what the various choices for markers and colors signify. As to cell entries in E and F if A,B & C have entries, for now this has moved down in priorities as the plot would use default marker and color, so empty cells do not createissues

Regarding the need for a spreadsheet- i am quite new to python and have not found a way to create a spreadsheet within the plotting script that is dynamic. So for now I am adding data to the spreadsheet, save, and then run python script to see the graph (not ideal)… and I’m hoping to build a macro in Calc that will run the python script.

fpy - I can’t say I have specifically inquired to chatGPT, but I have spent several hours looking for answers before I post question here or elsewhere.

My ultimate objective is to have something that is easy to use for people who only equate python with reptiles :wink:

Hi Velleroy - I am very much a novice with Python. The spreadsheet is needed as there are a lot of data sets, and so far, it seems easier to manipulate in a spreadsheet that try and write the specific code that would be required. Since my original post I have the Python script that runs very quickly, and while still a bit crude, I can make changes to the spreadsheet data and see how it looks in the graph. The big challenge it knowing exactly which marker/color is which data set. I added labels, but the graph becomes too cluttered to use.

I am not looking to see how the grap structures are constructed in Calc, and perhaps I can have this one added - there is no option currently for 3D scatter, nor do the existing graphs allow for individual assignment of marker type and color.

a work in progress!