List of used symbols

I would like to create a list of used symbols.

Sample text:

Formulas for calculating A use letters which are identified below. For example the formula for the area of a circle specified by r will look like this: A = π r^2, where π is mathematical constant.

And a list of used symbols should look like this:

Latin upper case letters

   A     area

Latin lower case letters

   r     circle radius

Greek lower case letters

   π     mathematical constant

Any idea how to this? (Not manually, no cross-references needed, just select some symbol during writing texts, add them description and after document is completed generate list of symbols).


This sounds very similar to glossary / table of terms, for which earlier question - “How can I insert a two-column glossary of terms / abbreviations?” - has a quite complete reply.

Basically you can use the indexing facility to do this. Keep in mind that you can have User-Defined Indexes.

Similar questions in other forum like “Creating a glossary” and “Add definitions to a lexical index” seems to point to similar solution.