Why do the values of a listbox not align centered, although the criteria Alignment = center is activated in the control properties
Thanks for your reaction. Could it be that what you suggest does not work for a listbox in a subform?
I did not suggest anything. I just demonstrated, that your issue is not reproducible with my LO 24.2 neither on Linux nor Windows. When you open my form document on your system with your version of LibreOffice, do you see the listbox contents correctly aligned as in my screenshot? The form is linked to the “Bibliography” database that is shipped with LibreOffice. All 6 listboxes (3 stand-alone, 3 within a table control) show left centered and right aligned values.
In this second version ask113981_2.odt (47.4 KB) all the listboxes belong to a subform of a main form linked to the same record set linked by the common “Identifier”, so the subform always shows one record according to the main form’s “Identifer”. The navigation toolbar is linked to the main form. The 6 listboxes look alright.