LO 6.1 writer delete a style and identify impact text

I wish to clean some odt file which has to many styles and reduce to a few ones.

If a style is used in the document and I want to delete it, LO warns that it will then cast to default type.

OK, but I can I view what portion of text is impacted, some kind of tract change, as I might first want to change the style of that portion to another style and then delete the style which is irrelevant.


You can search for paragraph styles using the search & replace tool that opens with Ctrl H → More options. Be aware, though, that “cleaning” all instances of the style being used may not be enough: if the style is linked to another style, for example, you’ll keep getting the warning. If this is the case, don’t waste your time: create a new, empty document with just the styles you need and then copy/paste the content from the old document to the new one. Sometimes the solution that seems more complicated is indeed the simplest one.

Great exactly what I was looking for. Never noticed this options in the find & replace box

When trying to clean-up a styles mess it is better to find and replace the styles rather than simply deleting a style.

You can use the style background setting (stupidly called Area) to make it visible where a style is being used in the document.


  • style background setting (stupidly called Area)
    Which menu path?

  • When trying to clean-up a styles mess it is better to find and replace the styles rather than simply deleting a style.
    Well, I’m taking all strategies, I thought that deleting a style would at least point to its first occurrence, if any