LO Base - concatenate existing fields and create a field that displays it

Been struggling with this for quite a while. I need to write emails regarding specific projects. For the subject for each email, I would like to take 5 fields from my existing table and have those in the subject line. It takes a long time to manually enter those so I thought I could create a new field and concatenate those 5 existing fields and then simply copy/paste that concatenated field into the email subject. So for example, the textbox field would grab existing data from the record and create “Field1” | “Field2” | “Field3” | “Field4” | “Field5”. Then i just copy/paste into subject line and compose my email.

Ive been trying to do it using a query and then create a subform on to my MainForm but unsuccessful.

Is there a way to do this?

Also, is there a way to have a button in my MainForm that when clicked fires up my mail program and populates the emailSubject with those 5 fields formatted as shown? That would be ideal but probably even more complicated than my first question.

Any help would be appreciated.


One question is where you had problems…

The query will not see your field, but the related fields in the current record, but if field1, field2 is connected to col1 col2 a first (failing) approach would be a

SELECT col1 || col2 FROM table

One problem is: Concatenating an empty field gives NULL. Another the need of separators. So you need IFNUUL();or COALESCE() to catch the NULL- values.
A typical example, wich assumes Name is never NULL:

SELECT IFNULL( FirstName || ' ', '') || Name

But for your second part you need a macro anyway, so you could do your concatenation also in BASIC/Python etc.

You could try with a mailto: link but I have not tried. In an older discussion I found my mailer (Thunderbird) restricted attachments via mailto: so my macro actually uses the SHELL() function to call Thunderbird with necessary parameters.
So my button needs to be connected to a macro, wich could also use fields in the form. The guide for Base has several examples in the macro section, and I could also post my macro when back from work…

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Concatening of fields:
You could also add text content like
"Field1"||', '||"Field2"||', '||"Field3"
To avoid concatening results to NULL, as @Wanderer mentioned:
COALESCE("Field1",'')||', '||COALESCE("Field2",'')||', '||COALESCE("Field3",'')
Instead of IFNULL COALESCE also works with internal Firebird database and could contain more than only 2 options.
Have a look at Base Guide.
Description is a little bit older, but the German Base Handbuch V2408 won’t be translated again into English.