LO Base java which jave used 5.4 and mint 18.1

I am having one heck of a time with LO Base 5.4. I am using LinuxMint 18.1 on a HP laptop g7(if this helps?). I
The message I get is:

"The connection to the data source ‘Video collection’ could not be established.
“The connection to the external data source could not be established. No SDBC drive was found for the URL ‘sdbc: embedded:hsqldb’.”

What I have tried is reinstalling the Java-8 runtime to the newest. Please help. I have lost a database that was scrambled and corrupted the a writer doc.

Well, I did all that when I updated to 5.4 from 5.1. That is why I am so confused and sadden because I lost so much.

If you have 32-bit LO installed you need 32-bit JRE. 64 bit LO requires 64-bit JRE. After JRE is installed, from the menu Tools->Options under LibreOffice->Advanced make sure following is set:

image description

Well,…The answer to what I did was just to start from scratch. I re-installed the system to get back to square 1.
I guess no one had this problem and could not answer the issue.
Thanks ratslinger foe your input.