Hello to everyone. I’ve set up a split database and it is hosted on a Dropbox shared folder. Till a few weeks ago, the Dropbox shared folder access was ‘wrapped’ by another service and everything was just fine. Now that service has become a paid one and I’ve completed the migration to just plain Dropbox.
Everyting was fine on my PC (I’m the database administrator) and I was confident everything was just fine. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case. Yesterday, I’ve tried to access the DB from another PC and I’ve got the same error described here by the thread opener. The reason for that is simple: the Dropbox shared folder is obviously the same but it searches for the lck file linked with the Dropbox link for my user and not the other one.
I presume this being linked with the fact I haven’t used server mode and I’ve been lucky the abandoned ‘wrapper’ handled concurrent access in charge of me (just a fortunate coincidence I haven’t thought of, my mistake).
I’ve found a lot of very well laid down guides, for example here. Is the path outlined there the one to follow or is everything different with a Dropbox shared folder? I apologize should my question be a duplicate but I’ve made a lot of research and I couldn’t find the answer. Thanks in advance to everyone for the help!
EDIT: In the meantime, I’ve taken a look at those batch files to handle server mode (unfortunately some of the links in that post seem broken and I couldn’t deepen things as I wanted to understand what the checkpoint file is meant for but all of them contain paths and the jarfile one makes me fear because, unless there is an absolute link to the Dropbox shared folder not linked to the user private folder I’m not aware of, the problem remains but I may be wrong given that I don’t know server mode at all.