LO Basic - How to raise an error without VBASupport?

Hi everybody,

I have been struggling for hours with the problem of not knowing how to throw an error without using VBASupport mode. I am using LO on a Mac (Apple Silicon) and here is the code that I want to change (cf. my comments)

Option VBASupport 1                        ' I don't like to use VBA support
Sub RaiseErrorInVBA
    On Local Error GoTo Alert

    Number = 1102                          ' I'd like to define my own errno
    Source = "My Error Source"             ' I'd like to define the source
    Description = "My error description"   ' I'd like to give a description
    Err.Raise(Number, Source, Description) ' I'd like to use _pure_ LO Basic
    MsgBox ("Never reach this line")       ' instead of using VBA »Err.Raise«
    Exit Sub
Alert:                                     ' I'd like to use Err, Erl, Error$
    MsgBox "Error "& Err &" at line "& Erl &" in "& Err.Source _
          &" as "& Err.Description, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION
End Sub

Can somebody please help me and show me how to do it in »pure LO Basic«?
Thank you very much

Welcome to the forum!
The Option VBASupport 1 construction is »pure LO Basic«, it is used not only in the case you described, but also, for example, when creating UDF functions.
You can have a separate module for your function, and use modules without Option VBASupport 1 for other functions.

Thank you @sokol92 for your greeting. Your solution does not work for me, but after another 2h :laughing: I found a workaround that works for me:

Sub DoLikeAnErrorWithoutVBASupport
    On Local Error GoTo Alert

    ' Here and in this module is other code, not compatible with VBASupport 1
    ' Uncomment next line to raise a real error and use the same GoTo label
  'Open "/this/file/does/not/exist.file" For Input As #iFno

    ' Here comes the »do like an error« workaround for my initial problem
    Dim Err as Integer  : Err    = 1102            ' Set own error number
    Dim Erl as Integer  : Erl    = 13              ' Set unattractive #lineno
    Dim Error As String : Error$ = "My Error Text" ' Set own error string
    GoTo Alert                                     ' Do instead VBA »Err.Raise«
    MsgBox ("Never reach this line of code")       
Alert:                                             ' I can use Err, Erl, Error$
    MsgBox "Error " & Err & Chr(10) _              ' for real errors or my ugly
         & "at line " & Erl & Chr (10) _           ' workaround solution
         & "in " & Error, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION
    End                                            ' Stop program execution
End Sub

Have a good day!