I’d like to add a button to a LO Calc form. The form will have several text input fields and one drop down list. The drop down will have the months of the year.
This is what I desire: when the button is pressed, the text input fields will be filled in on a different sheet/tab within the same file. The purpose of the drop down list is so that depending upon which month of the year is chosen, that will determine which column the information is entered into.
Just to be clear, here’s an example. I wish to enter budget information, income and outgo. These will always be entered into their respective rows, but will be entered into the correct column depending upon the month chosen in the drop down list. Once the button is pressed, the text information will be entered into the correct column on the next sheet/tab. The month from the drop down won’t be entered, but it affects where the text information is entered.
Does this require basic programming, or perhaps a macro? Both? I’m not sure where to start looking, so any help will be much appreciated. Just point me in the right direction and I’ll go from there.