LO does not create thumbnail previews in Windows 10 Explorer, for saved doc, docx, xls and xlsx files

I’ve already looked at this thread to generate thumbnails and made sure my options are up to par:
link text

For some reason, odt and ods file thumbnails work, but doc, docx, xls and xlsx thumbnails don’t. I tried re-saving the files (I figured maybe LibreOffice needed to generate a thumbnail for a specific file if there was none). I’m not sure if it might be a setting within Word and Excel that inhibits these thumbnails.

Does anyone have any experience with this?



Where do you want to see the thumbnails? In LibreOffice Start Center?

In Windows 10 Explorer

LibreOffice does not include any services that provide previews of external file types.

So I guess the method is, once the document saved in LibreOffice Writer, to then open and save docx documents in Word to generate thumbnails


I edited your question.


Can you post your comment as an answer?

You mean about saving a file in Word to create Thumbnails? If so, I don’t believe that should be a viable solution. Would there be a possibility for LibreOffice (i.e. feature request) to implement file thumbnails for Doc files in the future?