LO does not start after updating to 7.3.5

I just updated to LO 7.3.5 from 7.3.4. Now, clicking on the shortcut does not load LO - just the rotating wheel for less than a second. I tried opening soffice.exe with the same result. I tried renaming my profile but no change. rebooting doesn’t help.

HELP!! I now can’t work at all.

OS is Windows 10

Please, have a look at:

General Installation Issues (Windows)

I’ve had a look at that page, but it deals with an inability to install LO. It seemed to install OK, but it just doesn’t start!

So I decided to try reinstalling it and discovered that there’s a ‘repair’ option. Tried that and it now seems to be working OK. Most odd.

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See my comment above - Install/repair seems to have worked.