I need to make a drawing of a project with measurements. The drawing is in 1:10 scale, and I have been using mm as units in the drawing. However, LO Draw produces measurements in steps of 10 millimeters, e.g 160 mm rather than 165 mm.
I don’t care about what comes out on the paper if it is off by a few pixels. But when I specify in the properties the ‘y’ coordinate of a line as 20.0 mm, that of another line as 36.4 mm, I need a measurement from line A to line B to appear with a label saying 164 mm, not 160 mm. (I have set the scale and Draw correctly multiplies with 10.)
I also notice that when I set the position and size attributes of a rectangle, the program often adjusts the values, as if it had internally converted the measurements to an integral number of some internal unit, and then converted this number back to the units I am using. In such cases, the change is about a tenth of a millimeter. As said, I don’t care if the drawing comes out several tenths wrong on paper or on screen, but I need to have the nominal values respected. Is there a way to achieve this?