LO icons do not open applications, do not run.

Just after install LO 4.1 I have LO icons in my applications / office menu. I click on any of them and get LO logo few seconds, then sand clock rolling around for a while and then nothing. Non of the LO applications run. My system: Linux eeepc full mode (Xandros, based on Debian 4.1.1-21). KDE 3.4.2. 2G Ram, 40G SSD. Any advice?? thanks.

Can you run libreoffice command from terminal, do you get any error?

What I get is: /home/user> command not found. Then I type libreoffice4.1 and get LO logo for 2 seconds and then nothing. no error. just the command line empty.

I quit with this… No way to make it work. Had to change O.S. to other with LO 3.x preloaded…