LO Impress how to replace all fonts

Is there a way to replace all fonts in all slides and all elements. Quite often I get presentation in pptpx that has some font that is not present in Fedora, and size iz different, so it doesn’t format nicely, so I need to replace fonts.
If no option I would do it with macro, but never done any macros in libreoffice. I didn’t even find what is the default font that is being replaced for missing fonts. I’ve changed default fonts in styles, but that doesn’t change existing objects

Instead of using macros, you could use the font substitution table, see Fonts

Here are some potential replacements as a starter, LibreOffice Tips & Tricks: Replacing Microsoft Fonts - The Document Foundation Blog

and maybe, https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/a5vp5h/a_list_of_open_source_core_font_replacements/
