Load Basic Libraries

When trying to access a procedure inside a library one must issue the command:
Till now everything ok.
But if one doesn’t need or want that library loaded, is there a command to unload the loaded library?
Sometimes it could be usefull.
I search a lot and couldn’t find anything.
Thanks in advance.

Here is a short description abot handling the Libraries:
There are bugous links on that site, the right links:

Remove: Interface XLibraryContainer
Rename: Interface XLibraryContainer2

When trying to access a procedure inside a library one must issue the

note: if and only if the library is not “Standard”.
→ A container “Standard” library is always loaded at startup.

Till now everything ok.
But if one doesn’t need or want that library loaded, is there a command
to unload the loaded library?

As you might have found from the links provided by Tibor, there’s no
such method as “unloadLibrary()”. Thus, unloading a library is not
possible, provided it has been loaded once.

Sometimes it could be usefull.

In which context? Loading a library is only necessary if you want to
access a subprogram stored in that very library. This means that is is
possible that you need to access that subprogram again (or another
related one) in a future step.

My take here would be:

  1. Whenever possible, always have your subprograms in a module which is
    part of the “Standard” library bacause that one is always loaded at startup.
  2. If not possible (or not desired. Ex: library encryption), group your
    subprograms in dedicated modules in as few other libraries as possible.
    This would minimize the “loadLibrary()” calls and optimize the
    subprograms uses.


@Zizi64: Did you actually research (test) the removeLibrary method concerning the question whether it actually removes the library from its storage location or only unloads it (“removing” the access only). I never tried it, but would assume the first case (if not “read only”?).
We need to be careful, and should start with createLibraryLink(). The stored library (probably contained in a user profile) must also be retrievable from a backup.
See also: LibreOffice: XLibraryContainer Interface Reference

I did the test. removeLibrary removes the contained modules but not the library itself.

Note that there’s a new home for DevGuide at LibreOffice wiki, which is expected to have correct links and gradually updated content.

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That’s funny.
I feel sure I never will need the feature, but it was interesting, and I invested an hour (and endangered - as I found too late- the integrity of my local libraries) to find out more about libraries loadable from arbitrary locations.

Const libPath      = "C:\Users\MYPERSONALPATH\Office\test\libraryAccess\xStandard"
Const libContSrvcN = "com.sun.star.script.ApplicationScriptLibraryContainer"
Global libContSrvc As Object

Sub loadTheLib()
libContSrvc = CreateUnoService(libContSrvcN)
libUrl      = ConvertToURL(libPath)
libLink     = libContSrvc.createLibraryLink("otherStandard", libUrl, False) REM False=Editable!
End Sub

Sub unloadTheLib()
End Sub

worked exactly as expected - with the exception that function names from the otherStandard were found if newly parsed after the loadTheLib (no #NAME or #MACRO error), but the functions weren’t actually called, and did not return results. (#VALUE!).
A simple hello-world-Sub from the loaded library was run when called via >Tools>Macros>Run.

Any clearvoyants here?