Thanks, I think I’m getting closer.
But I dodn’t fully understand your code…
will display the form without stopping the execution, right ?
But I don’t understand :
if oDialog.execute=1 then
From what I could understand in my test, when I close the button on my “loader dialog”, the code restart after this “if”.
But in my case I don’t want to display the close button on this loader dialog, because its goal is to show something while the data is retrieved. So I don’t want the user to be able to close it himself.
Instead, I want this dialog to be closed after the data is retrieved, so I guess I will have to do :
Actually I made a test and here’s what I did :
oDialogLoader = CreateUnoDialog(DialogLibraries.Standard.frmLoader)
oDialogLoader.Visible = True
oDialog = CreateUnoDialog(DialogLibraries.Standard.frmInsertGlossary)
oGlossaryList = oDialog.getControl("cmbGlossaryList")
sGlossaryCodes = GetGlossaryCodesFromDatabase()
If UBound(sGlossaryCodes) = 0 Then
oDialogLoader.Visible = False
MsgBox "Impossible d'insérer un élément du glossaire !" & vbCrLf & "Le glossaire est vide...", vbExclamation, "Impossible de continuer"
For iNbItem = 0 to UBound(sGlossaryCodes)
oGlossaryList.addItem(sGlossaryCodes(iNbItem), iNbItem)
Next iNbItem
oDialogLoader.Visible = False
End If
And it works exactly as I expected !
Ideally it would be ince to prevent any action at all while the loader is there, but for now it will be enough.
Thanks a lot for your help !!!