.~lock.Sheet.ods# : Can't save over existing calc document

I’ve been looking for a replacement to MS Office, and came across LibreOffice.

Since installing it, and trying it out, I have noticed a rather annoying quirk, in that the program won’t allow me to save over an existing calc document. When I try to edit and save over an existing file, a temporary file appears in the same directory with the above file name format.

It will allow me to go through the procedure of saving over the original file, but it won’t recognise the saved changes, and will instead revert back to its previous state when opening the file again.

is this a known bug, and is there any way to fix it?

Hi @Surebrec,

If installing the latest release doesn’t seem to fix this problem, please file a bug and provide a list of steps that can reproduce it. The QA team will be happy to help you track down this issue!

Please post a link to any bugs you file in a comment below using the format “fdo#123456”.
