Lost pages in office writer

I was entering changes in an office writer folder when all the folder disappeared. I have tried multiple ways to recover but nothing work, Any help?

Changes to a folder on a computer sounds like an operating system or cloud synch problem.

If you know the name of the folder or of a file in it, use the operating system search to look for it. Look in the recycle bin too.

If the folder is linked to cloud storage, look in the online storage. Has somebody else, with write access to the cloud storage, deleted or moved the folder?

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Have tried it all and no one but me has any permission buy thanks anyway.

If you’re on Windows and if log in with a Microsoft account then probably your documents folder is synched to OneDrive. Might be worth investigating and seeing if a backup exists in OneDrive online.

For the future, this might assist, Preventing data disaster - The Document Foundation Wiki

Not there either, but thanks again for trying.