I saved a spreadsheet I created using Libre, but now I can’t display the spreadsheet. The only file I have is myspreadsheet.xml
How do I get my spreadsheet back? Lubuntu 14.04
I saved a spreadsheet I created using Libre, but now I can’t display the spreadsheet. The only file I have is myspreadsheet.xml
How do I get my spreadsheet back? Lubuntu 14.04
Your explanations on why you have only an xml-file left are missing, thus no precise help can be provided.
What I would do is, open the xml-file and save it in ods-format.
I personally use always ods-fomats and change only at the end to other formats only when pdf-export is not sufficient.
I found when I saved to ods format all my charts would not display. Now I’ve saved again in the original xmls and still the charts won’t display, not even in ms excel. Does this mean calc cannot handle charts from an excel sourced spreadsheet?
This is getting desperate as a huge amount of work is inaccessible now.
How does this answer the question?
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