mac showing the fonts in a wrong way

I am using mac os x “10.13.6 (17g12034)”. unfortunately when I open the presentation of libreoffice which is an .odp file, my mac shows the “font names” in a wrong way. To give an example: my friend is specifying the font Catamaran, which shows in my windows libreoffice as it should be; but in my mac it is a very different font. How to overcome this problem?


if your presentation is shown in a different font on your macOS, then most likely

  1. You macOS has not installed that special font (font Catamaran is not a font provided by LibreOffice and hence it may not be available on you macOS if you haven’t installed it on macOS. Fonts are to be provided by the operation system)
=> **Solution 1:** Install the font on macOS  (Solution 2 not required in that case)


  1. The presentation has been saved without option [x] Embed fonts in the document - see File -> Properties -> Tab: Font

    => Solution 2: Set the option and save your file once more (Solution 1 not required in that case)

Hope that helps.

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