macOS: can't switch between docs / windows in text document mode

it seems that LibreOffice has no Windows menu anymore, at least on MacOS.

the advice given in this forum and elsewhere is to use the CMD-tab or CMD+ or CMD-Shift-+ hotkeys to toggle between documents. of course the first of these doesn’t work because CMD-tab is reserved for scrolling through open applications. the latter two key combos don’t work either for whatever reason.

I don’t see any menu item to define custom hotkeys either, nor anything about working with multiple open documents.

any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Do any of the normal Mac commands for switching between windows of the same application work, e.g. Command+ ` that is Command plus back tick?


Can you see a menu at all? If you are using the Tabbed interface, the menubar icon to toggle visibility of the menu is at the top left, tooltip Menubar.