I use 25.8 LO dev. on Linux. LO has implemented clickable user-defined indexes in the Writer module. As with a Table of Contents, you can now set up a user-defined index so that each entry can be clicked on to navigate to its text.
To do that, you must manually go to the Entries tab on the Index setup dialog, click on the level of entry you want to edit, then click on a graphical depiction of the entry and select the hyperlink icon. You select hyperlink button twice for each entry.
I have a macro to create the user-defined index. But I haven’t been able to find what properties to specify so that the above repetitive work would be done by it. So each time I create a U-D index I have to add that manually.
I tried to record the process, but the steps are not picked up by the macro recorder. I’ve also tried to analyse the U-D Index using the MRI tool, but I was not successful. That is not to say it can’t be done.
Does anyone know how to do this, or how to find out the pertinent properties to work with?
Thanks much. The macro I use follows, and I have uploaded a small sample .odt file.at 51.6 KB file on MEGA
REM Author: Andrew Pitonyak
REM 7.18. Insert an index or table of contents
REM https://www.pitonyak.org/AndrewMacro.pdf
Dim oCurs 'Used to insert the text content.
Dim oIndexes 'All of the existing indexes
Dim oIndex 'TOC if it exists and a new one if not
Dim i As Integer 'Find an existing TOC
Dim bIndexFound As Boolean 'Flag to track if the TOC was found
Dim s$
REM First, find an existing User Index if it exists. If so,
REM then this will simply be updated.
oIndexes = ThisComponent.getDocumentIndexes()
bIndexFound = False
For i = 0 To oIndexes.getCount() - 1
oIndex = oIndexes.getByIndex(i)
If oIndex.supportsService("com.sun.star.text.UserDefinedIndex") Then
bIndexFound = True
Exit For
End If
If Not bIndexFound Then
oIndex = ThisComponent.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.UserIndex")
REM CreateFromChapter = False
REM CreateFromLevelParagraphStyles = False
REM CreateFromOutline = False
oIndex.CreateFromMarks= True
oIndex.Title="My Highlights"
oIndex.IsProtected = False
REM You can set all sorts of other things such as the Title or Level
oCurs = ThisComponent.CurrentController.getViewCursor()
' oCurs = ThisComponent.getText().createTextCursor()
' oCurs.gotoStart(False)
ThisComponent.getText().insertTextContent(oCurs, oIndex, False)
oIndexes = ThisComponent.getDocumentIndexes()
For i =0 To oIndexes.getCount() - 1
oIndex = oIndexes.getByIndex(i)
oIndex.update() 'new index is not updated until right HERE!
'jump to ToC 'optional, NW
' oCurs = ThisComponent.CurrentController.getViewCursorByRange(oIndex(1)) ' ERROR
' oCurs.gotoStart(False)
' oCurs = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Goto(oIndex(i))
End If
REM Even the newly inserted index is not updated until right HERE!
REM oIndex.update() 'Reduntant when part of TOC update
End Sub