Macro security in latest release

I have been hardening LibreOffice macros by using

  • disablemacrosexecution
  • set macrosecuritylevel to highest

Recently there was a patch that seems to have stopped this from working.
I am using

Does anyone know what has changed?

LO has been End of Life for almost two years now (see

Also, LO does not (at least from TDF) issue Patches.

How/What did you notice?
One point to check: If you had to reset your profile, also your “hardening” has to be repeated. But this is not new…

Please note - we are using 6.4.7 as that is what comes with Ubuntu 20.04
It was something in the last Ubuntu update that seems to have caused this issue with macro hardening.

Yes - first thing I got rid of. However, if you are going to continue its’ use, you will need to contact Ubuntu to report the problem.

To change versions, check out:

which has a link to:

I’ll put the note under my pillow.

As you didn’t tell anything on “this issue” it is hard to tell where to search. Are your macros silently running, ignoring your settings, can you cange the settings or not. Was your profile changed or not? Are there “trusted places” registered? …
So at moment you are telling Ubuntu changed an old Version of LO.

You may try to check with apt/synaptic or ask at Ubuntu. Other Option is to follow @Ratslinger and replace your LibreOffice as your data does not allow much research…