I want to create a mail merge of customer invoices that will save the file to separate documents. I understand that this is possible in LibreOffice Writer but that it creates its own file names based on text I provide followed by a numerical sequence number. What I would like to do is have the file names based on a combination of two fields - the invoice number and the customer name. If that isn’t possible, then just the invoice number. Has anyone written an addon to do this?
Thank you.
In response to w_whalley’s answer below:
Thank you w_whalley for your answer. It sounds great, but I am struggling to get far enough down the mail merge process to find out if it works. Following your answer I downloaded the latest version of Writer (3.6) and I started by the merge document and then using the Tools > Mail Merge Wizard (the only option I could find to do a mail merge), inserted the fields I need in the appropriate places. I then attempted to filter my database but when I click on the [Filter] box it turns a blue colour but nothing happens. No dialogue box opens.
I then looked at the user guide and see that there’s a manual way to do a mail merge and that I should reach the data source by clicking View > Data sources but unfortunately ‘Data sources’ does not appear in the View menu. Hitting the [F4] key doesn’t do anything either.
I tried a repair of the installation (I had only installed Writer and Calc plus all the extras except additional languages) but that made no difference.
I am using a PC running Windows Vista and any suggestions as to what I’m missing - some kind of extension perhaps - would be gratefully received.