Hi. I’m experiencing many different issues with mail merge.
I’m using mail merge in order to make individual paper documents that contain the password of each user. (There are reasons that make me use paper documents instead of email).
Master document and “address list” (i.e. user data) are stored in a webdav server, so they NEVER reach the local computer harddrive.
I started working with a remote database, but then I found I had to use a local database, or else the database will become “read-only”, making impossible to add queries.
In the process I had tested the different mail merge capabilities of different versions between 6.x and 7.3. I can agree there are Mail Merge Issues Between Versions, like this topic states:
- In some parts of the “Mail merge assistant”, it is difficult to select a DATABASE QUERY (instead of a DATABASE TABLE or a SPREADSHEET TABLE) as source.
- You can filter rows using the “address book source” at the mail merge dialog, but you can’t if you use the “address book source” button on the button bar.
- In the filter dialog, the LIKE clauses do not seem to work. They won’t use neither “*” nor “%” as wildcard. EDIT: Maybe it works, but It is not updating the preview acordingly. It seems to work in the database view.
- Field assignments seem to work for Auto-Address Block only. It would be nicer if you could assign small, one word names for your spreadsheet names, and then use them all over the mail merge.
- In the database view you can filter the rows you see, but it won’t not affect the mail merge. This is really weird.
- Most time, selecting “edit database” from Write will crash the system.
- Selecting “edit database” in Writer, then refreshing / rebuilding tables from Base will NOT refresh the addressbook rows in Writer.
- To end this list, I will say something positive. The “replace table” tool is fantastic and saved many time.
- Base 7.3 / 7.2 can’t open remote documents. Exception are remote shares, but they are opened read-only.
- Sometimes Base 7.2 throws some exception when reading remote Calc spreadsheets. This happened to me with a spreadsheet that was edited with 6.0, then 7.0, then 7.2, then 7.3, then 7.2 again.
- When you copy a query, the query is not copied. I.E. The easiest way to make multiple similar SQL queries should be copying the query, then modifying it, but you have to enter SQL edit mode, copy the SQL, then create a new query in SQL mode.
- You can’t query on queries. This makes Base very poor compared to Access.