Make it clear that it is a number I want to autocorrect from 0 to Ø during typing

Example lo0k to become loØk. Autocorrect only works if there is a space of CR immediately after the entry.


You can apply the Linux Libertine G:zero=1 font.

See the documentation here where you can :

  • download the source document (odf)
  • click Table3.D23 (Result column, Slashed Zero row)
  • look at the Font Name list box in the Formatting toolbar.


AFAIK, development for the Linux Libertine G font (the G stands for Graphite, a font technology that almost nobody uses) halted a long time ago, it’s better to use a proper OpenType font that support the zero feature such as the Libertinus font family. Use

Libertinus Serif:zero

As font name.