Make Layout of Impress Properties: Character, List, Paragraph More Compact

I’m using LO 24.8.12 on Mate/Ubuntu. With my current monitor I continually find myself having to scroll to back and forth to access, say, “Bold” and then “Reduce Font Size” buttons. There’s lots of deadspace between buttons, so I’d like to make the layout of the Character, List, and Paragraph, etc entries of the “Properties” toolbar on the right side of the window more compact.

Can someone help me figure out how to do this? (hopefully with a single click or two as opposed to having to alter the position of each of the many, many buttons)

Depending on you setup, there are options for accessing the icons you want.

  • You can hover over the line between the Sidebar and the document window until you get a double-headed arrow, click and drag to reduce the Sidebar width. Note that there is a minimum width.
  • If you are using the Tabbed interface, then selecting the View tab will place those icons directly above the document window.
    If you are using the Standard interface, those icons will be directly above the document window in the Formatting toolbar.
  • You can create your own toolbar with just the icons you want on it and have that toolbar floating or fixed in a particular position.
  • You could use keyboard shortcuts instead of icons, e.g. Ctrl+B for bold, Ctrl+] to increase text size, Ctrl+[ to decrease, etc. See the Impress Guide, download from English documentation | LibreOffice Documentation - LibreOffice User Guides

Yikes. Thanks EarnestAI, I appreciate your suggestions. Unfortunately all of them require a fair amount of effort on my part, which I was hoping to avoid.

For Ctrl+[, really?

Sooooo… I didn’t ask, “what’s the shortcut for…”, I asked about making the layout more compact. I use many different aspects of that sidebar, so learning a slew of shortcuts isn’t the solution I was looking for.

Safe Mode

I am confused. Are you suggesting I start in safe mode?