Making a form with Writer

Am a beginner with making forms in Writer, so please be gentle. I have just begun to make a form, which is basically a series of vertical columns, each with a header at the top and identical boxes below for a user to fill in. I have made the description (header) of each column using a LABEL box in FORMS and all the boxes below that TEXT boxes. I have given each TEXT box a unique number in PROPERTIES: TEXT BOX and in the Label Field linked them to the header. So far I have just been working on the first column. When I export this as a PDF what appears is fine, except none of the text boxes have the usual light blue shading inside, nor can they be typed into. I have compared everything to a form I made some time ago which works and can’t find any obvious differences. What haven’t I done to make this a pdf where data can be entered?

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In the PDF Options dialogue when you exported the form, did you tick the box Create PDF form?

Thank you, couldn’t see the wood for the trees! Much appreciated.

It happens to all of us.