I was able to make new business cards/Labels and set all my settings. Then I saved as Brand=“MyCompanyName” Type=“MyLabelType”
I wanted to share this with some other people in my organization so they could use it to make our labels’ graphics assets and print them out on uncut sheets that would match up with how we cut labels.
I assumed that if I simply made a template (OTT) and passed it around it would carry the label criteria with it, but that does not quite happen. I don’t see an external format file like the Template for the format. The only place I can see the label format data is in registrymodifications.xcu which does not look like a very sharable file.
To be clear, I want other persons to be able to choose File|New|Business Cards|Medium|Brand=“MyCompany” Type=“MyLableType” followed by New Document.
– Abs