Making completed "heading 1" sections as read only in libreoffice writer

Hi users of libreoffice writer,

I’ve a query.
I’m writing a document in libreoffice writer, where chapters and sub-topics are organized as heading 1, heading 2, etc. Once a chapter is done, to prevent some unneeded edits on it’s part of the document, is it possible to make that part (which can be identified using its heading 1) as read-only?
Please let me know. Will surely provide any details if I didn’t make things clear.


An indirect approach would be to use a master-document. If you don’t load the completed other chapters, you are in no danger to edit this parts…

Hi @Wanderer ,
Need to understand about the master document. Let me check.

Select the entire “heading 1” text and (menu Insert) insert it into a Section… - while doing that you may define it as under Write Protection.
The section’s format including write protection can be altered (menu Format | Sections…).

Please bear in mind that the term section is defined in Writer as a special area/container for different objects.
Also check the terms for heading n - this is a special paragraph style and not describing chapters (so speak of chapters in your case).

The TOC is not affected if you apply sections for your existing text.

Hi @Grantler ,
I’m able to insert the completed chapters into sections configured as read-only. This can be one solution for my query.