I have a 500+ page Safety Manual. I need to add a new safety program. I have integrated the new program into my Master Document, and now it has the correct page number. I now need to print a copy of the new program and insert it into the printed Safety Manual, with the updated page number. Can one of the great people who monitor this LibreOffice Help Program Please give me the instructions of how to this.
Very much appreciated.
Please edit your question (click on … below it, then on the “pencil” icon) to mention OS name, LO version and save format.
How do you want to print your new safety program?
a. by selecting the page sequence in the master document
b. by printing directly the subdocument
In case a), page numbers are correct automatically.
In case b), since you are printing from an “independent” document, pages start from 1. The only way to start page numbers otherwise is to Insert
>More Breaks
>Manual Break
at start of subdoc so that you can set arbitrarily the starting page number. However, this solution is not a viable long-term one because this starting manual page number may become invalid after editing other subdocs or the master doc itself, requiring manual modification (potentially in all subdocs if you used the trick to print them separately).