Manually entering a negative number in a calc cell that has a background changes the color to white

I use colors in some cells in a calc sheet. Even if I just manually enter a negative number like -2.05, the background color changes to white. This does not happen with a positive number. I have to clear the direct formatting four or five times before I can manually set the background color again by going to format cell, clicking on background and pasting the color hex code. No, the sheet is not protected. I gave up trying to paste numbers in a cell with a background color but not sure what else to do. Could there be a style in use I maybe forgot I have that could be doing this & I shot myself in my own foot? That would not be unusual for me to do. I do have style setup to bold negative numbers, is there a special place to set the style to not change a color?

MacOS 15.3

This has been happening for a while despite updates to MacOS or LO.

The Negative Number style inherits from default. There is nothing set for background color as I use different colors in different cells. Is there a setting to make ti default from the Current setting as It most likely is inheriting the white background from the default setting. I was using a style as I want the negative numbers to be not only red but bold red.

Once you set an attribute in a style it includes that attribute in the style and you cannot remove it. The only thing you can do it to create a new style that changes just the attribute(s) that you want changed and apply that.
In the attached sample there

  • RedNegative style applied to a column, if the number is negative it will be coloured red, see Number Format Codes
  • Conditional - Bolded a conditional format applies the style Bolded if the number is equal to or less that zero.
  • Conditional - BadBolded, a conditional format that uses cell style BadBolded. It is exactly the same as Bolded but I applied None as Background; it cannot be set to ignore the background as it was originally. You can set the background to match that of Default cell style but if you change the colour back ground of Default Cell then BadBolded will continue to show the previous Default cell background colour.

BadBoldedCellStyle.ods (36.3 KB)