I have a master document with odt subdocuments. I use the same Style Template in both master and subs. Still I get my bullet lists (style List1) with more spacing between bullets in my master. I have cleared any direct formatting and reloaded styles from template. Still effect is there and of course affects how much fits on a page etc.
@oardeby: seems like a bug. Can you please open a bug report for that https://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/bug/ and provide us all necessary information (steps to reproduce your behavior, the document, etc). If you filed a bug, feel free to post a comment over here with the bug number in format: fdo# like fdo#123456 . Thanks in advance, Joren
Under which operating system and LO version does this occur?
(Joren’s comment → Answer for resolution)
Seems like a bug. Can you please open a bug report for that https://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/bug/ and provide us all necessary information (steps to reproduce your behavior, the document, etc).
If you file a bug, feel free to post a comment here with the bug number in the format: fdo# like fdo#123456 .
Thanks in advance,
fdo#63700 - Master Document, Template and Field interaction issue - UNCONFIRMED
OK. Just what is the relationship between the link you gave me for bug reporting and bugs.freedesktop.org where I reported this problem? Maybe a better question (and one I wondered about at the time): What/who is freedesktop.org?
I’ll report the bug (again) using the libreoffice.org/get-help/bug link as that sounds more legitimate.
EDIT: When I submitted the bug, it told me “Bug 63700” which is a different format than in your example.
They are effectively one and the same. The libreoffice.org link is a friendly front-end to the freedesktop.org bugzilla system. You have likely reported your bug twice. Also you can respond to the queries of others via a comment (unless you have a lot to say). This makes it a bit easier to keep track of the conversation. I cant replicate you problem here under Ubuntu but will have a better look later. Am mobile right now.
Hmmm. My question was legitimate, but I attempted to post this against a question I had submitted. I hope this has not caused confusion. …JRG