MAster DOcument with subs -- after modifying the template page numbers disappear, is this normal?


Every time we change the template, and load in into the master document, page-numbering disappears, it’s cleared.
Is this bad design that will be fixed or is it intentional? :slight_smile:

What do you think? What could be the reason behind this truly annoying behavior?
Or, more importantly, what is it that I misunderstand?

EDIT: is it perhaps possible to set up the template so that page numbering or footer is not “defined” (whatever that means) in it, and therefore it wouldn’t clear the master document’s page-numbering?

thanks in advance…

This is about an update of styles from template (in this case, triggered by the template update); and it is caused by (a) your templates do not have page numbers in headers/footers (for specific page styles that are used in your document, at least); and (b) you added the page numbers to some page styles’ headers/footers in your document (i.e., you have modified the page styles).

Since headers and footers are part of a page style, whole of them, this means that as soon as you update the page style, it becomes fully identical to the source from which it is updated, including the content of the headers/footers. This is by design, and is not a bug (the quality of the design is another question). Note again, that headers and footers are not content of the document, but part of page style.

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Thank you Mike for your explanation… !!!
BUT… AND :slight_smile:

How could my template have page numbers in specific page styles? :slight_smile:

A template, first of all, speaking of Libreoffice Writer’s styles, shouldn’t be a “content template”… cause we are talking about
formatting a document with “style sheets”, so to speak…

But suppose I want to avoid this major annoyance (20minutes extra work every time the template changes), and I decide to add page numbers in the footer of the template…
for that specific page style…

Okay, how many do we have?
6 chapters = at least 8 page styles… with front matter and end matter…
also, first page header and footer should be different from 2nd and 3rd page’s…
so, it would involve adding 3 pages to your style sheet… template… for one page style…
now, multiply it with 8…

It is a complete nonsense, isn’t it?


this part I don’t understand…
adding page numbers to a page style’s footer? That is, adding page numbers to a footer of a document with a page style (every document or section has one).

I mean, this is just means add page numbers to your document, right?
and this is what people do and want to do: add page numbers in your page’s footer…

Header / footer content should never be part of any style…
in a HTML source code, you have 3 elements:
content, style-name and style-definition…

apple ← fancy-style

fancy-style-def {
font-size: large;
color: orange;
This is the concept of styles…
(Libreoffice is linked to HTML, not another thing completely, even though it is XML)

A style should no way affect the subject / the content of the tag:

[word class=some-style] apple [/word] … so to speak…

The problem comes from the ambiguous use of the term “template”…
it should be a style sheet
and templates should be content templates, like love-letter, business-fax

but the QUESTION is still:

**How can you avoid loosing the page numbering when the template **
is being updated – and loaded in the Master Document?

I hope ## that you have an answer :slight_smile: Cause it really is PIA…

thank you for your time!!!



But most of all, you set up styles in your template (either by creating pages, or by applying the styles to the current page one by one), but then you simply delete all the pages (the styles are set up, you don’t need the text anymore).

Who told you that? If you refer to CSS (which ODF refers to), than CSS is not HTML, and ODF only refers to specific parts of it, not to every idea in it.
No matter what HTML tells you. In Writer, headers and footers are part of page style. Period. And the “content” of headers/footers is not a content of the document, but part of “decoration”, so perfectly fits style concept.

Now I don’t understand that idea about tens of page styles. If I understood that correctly (you don’t use boring explicit sentences, just the same as so many others, and prefer funny phrases that require me to guess what was in your mind), and you really need tens of page styles, then you are doing something very odd.

I didn’t know that it can be done like this, too…
How stupid I am! Despite the fact that I never edit a style in a template that is assigned to an element, I edit styles in the styles list…


headers and footers can’t be part of styles :slight_smile:
A player’s style, a restaurant’s style – the style of anything – is a style, not an element.
Headers are elements, aren’t they?
Then where is the period? :slight_smile:
Only the style of headers can be part of the page style… think about it

I figured. Easy to recognize, including also the fact that HTML (and I’m talking about HTML5) is a greater and more universal thing, with which LIbreO has to keep up its links, cause people will copy paste from webpages, to and fro anyway.

Besides, CSS is HTML. CSS is not something embedded, nor is it a scripting language, it is part of the concept, part of how HTML works. CSS is the organic part of HML5, and it may also sound interesting to you that styles can be defined in the HTML document, too…
using CSS, external sheets didn’t change the concept of HTML, not one bit…

Ha-ha :slight_smile: Perfectly? To me it appears it is totally alien to the style concept, which I have also illustrated.
Thea attributes of the page number belong to the style domain. The page number itself is an element, which can have a style with attributes.

I had a question…
I’m focusing on that…
I’ll be back after some experimenting…

Have a nice evening…

Please have a look at Writer Guide 7.6

They are. If you intend to discuss a change, you should say so; your current wording is “I don’t believe this world is what it is” (in this case, this program is what it is).

CSS is a separate stylesheet language. HTML uses it, but also e.g. SVG uses it. If you don’t see a difference between A that may use B (like “a human using a shovel”) and B is A (as in “the shovel is therefore a human”), there’s something for you to learn. And the orthogonal fact, that CSS code may be used in some parts of HTML is completely off-topic. In essence, you figured wrong.

Then you need to make your mind more flexible. Your learned concepts (maybe from HTML?) disallow you to see more abstract things like this.

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This makes me realize that this conversation is not as good as I imagined.
I have to assume that you know what you’re talking about. But it doesn’t look so.
Let me just explain one part of this wrong concept:

stylesheet language?
style definition language, perhaps…
and as I mentioned – gosh, you could have said you didn’t know HTML, and we wouldn’t be quarreling – you can define styles in the html head, the same way. CSS is part of HML, what’s so uncomfortable about it?

I thought you would answer the question…
I take it you can’t…
I’ll still experiment a little… maybe…
For Libreoffice is always a surprise… it’ll work even without your understanding it :slight_smile:

this was rude, man
but you know what, let’s take a look together!
first, it is my turn…
which part do you suggest?
please quote :slight_smile: and interpret it… regarding the problem we’re talking about…

let’s use WG24 anyhow…