Master document's template vs the subdocuments' template


I would like to have a template for all documents that go into a master document…
and I would like the master document have that template too…

(including that when the template is updated, it should update too)

cause when looking at your book in the master document application (it is not the same as Writer),
you see everything according to the master document’s template’s styles…
but when you edit a document… a subdocument…
you see everything styled by its template’s styles

imagine that you see an orphan line in the master document window…
you open the subdocument for editing, and you don’t see the same thing
unless you keep making sure that the master document’s template is being updated…

do I misunderstand something?

thanks in advance

Yes, this is the normal and recommended way.

Master documents in Writer

Master document and subdocuments should all have the same styles.
Of course, you can first create a document template as the source of these documents.

I hope I have understood your question correctly.


I know that this is the recommended way…
I only don’t know how to achieve it…

you cannot create a master document from a document template… can you?
this is the problem… (if this is true)

What is the problem?

You open the document template as a normal document.

And then you proceed as described in my link: Menu File>Send>Global Document Create.


What do you mean exactly? Your subdocuments are created and edited with Writer, OK. But you seem to hint that the “synthesis” of all of them is done in another application. Which one?
The normal way is to use Writer to collect and “assemble” all the subdocs. If the master is base on a different template, shame but not catastrophic. Use the Template Changer extension to reset the template to what it should.